Appendix 2 – Proposals where objections are upheld in part


1.            Site 17 Fort Road, Newhaven (Councillor James MacCleary)

1.1         The proposal at this location is to remove the existing the time limited bays and TRO amendment to the existing no waiting at any time.


1.2         Four objections have been received on the grounds that parking spaces will be lost. One item of support was received.


1.3         The proposal follows a report that the time limited bays are not required.


1.4         Having considered the objections, officers are satisfied that there are sufficient grounds to withdraw the proposed removal of the time limited bays but to continue with the TRO amendment to the existing no waiting at any time.


1.5         Councillor MacCleary has confirmed his support for the modified proposal to be implemented.


1.6         Recommendation: To uphold, in part, the objections and to modify the proposal by withdrawing the removing of the TRO restriction from the Time limited bays and amend the TRO for the no waiting at any time restriction.